Esther Crazzolara

Concertmaster / Violin
image for Crazzolara

Esther was born in Bruneck in South Tyrol and graduated in 2005 from the Conservatorio ‘Claudio Monteverdi’ in Bolzano with Prof. Georg Egger. She continued her studies at the Mozarteum in Salzburg and specialized in early music and baroque violin with with Hiro Kurosaki and at the Conservatorio di Verona. She attended masterclasses with Anne Schumann, Stanley Ritchie, Reinhard Goebel, Anton Steck, Erich Höbarth, Enrico Onofri, Brian Dean and Stefano Montanari.

In 2008 she played in the Britten Pears Baroque Orchestra in Aldeburgh under the direction of Richard Egarr. In 2009 she was a member of the European Union Baroque Orchestra, with which she did several tours throughout Europe under the baton of Lars Ulrik Mortensen, Chiara Banchini, Petra Müllejans, Edward Higginbottom, Enrico Onofri. She has played in various groups such as Ensemble Cordia, Bolzano Baroque Orchestra, Harmonices Mundi, Accademia Bizantina, Il Complesso Barocco, New Century Baroque, Harmony of Nations, Musica Saeculorum, Atalanta Fugiens, Bolzano String Academy, Orchestra Haydn, Il Pomo d’Oro, L’arte dell’arco, La Divina Armonia, Divino Sospiro, Europa Galante, Accordone Ensemble, Festspielorchester Göttingen, Il Giardino Armonico. From 2012 to 2015 she was the concertmaster of Theresia Orchestra. She was awarded several prizes, amongst which the ‘Weichlein’ prize (2013),  the Biber International Competition with the Ensemble Girandole Armoniche, with whom in 2019 she published the record ‘Extravagantes Seicento’, the Bonporti Competition (2013). Since 2016 she has been first violin in the ensemble ‘Il lieto ardore’.